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   Application to Purchase a Kitten   
Does anyone in your household have allergies or asthma?
Are you prepared to care for this cat for 15 to 20 years?
Why are you looking to adopt a Maine Coon? (Check all that apply)
What is your home?
Do you rent or own?
Do you have any of the following:
Do all of your windows have screens?
Will this Maine Coon be your first pet?
Will this be your first pet?
Do you plan to declaw your new Maine Coon?
Do you have a veterinarian?
If you currently have cats and/or dogs, do you take them to the vet for annual check-ups?
If you currently have cats, are their vaccinations current?
If you currently have cats, have they been tested for FeLV/FIV?
How do you plan on keeping your new Maine Coon's teeth clean?
Are you prepared to cover any vet expenses that you may incur throughout the life of your new Maine Coon?
Have your previous or current cats caused any of the following problems? (Please check all that apply)
Are there any behaviors that would be unacceptable to you?

What will you do with your new Maine Coon if . . .  (Please answer all 6 scenarios)

Under what circumstances would you not be able to keep this cat? (Check all that apply)

I certify that all of the above information is true and accurate.  I understand that if I purchase a new kitten or cat from Thornfield Maine Coons, this document will become part of the purchase record.  I also understand that completion of this questionnaire does not guarantee the purchase of a kitten or cat.

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

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